Sunday, 23 December 2012

14. Falling Into Place

*With a nice reminder from Jessie I've decided to post a chapter on here since it's been a little while :) Hope it's alright. This is probably only a temporary return btw.*

*Starting from where I left off last chapter, which was like a million years ago*

"The hell? It's like 7am." She tried to twist her head and look towards the door as Drake came back through from the kitchen.

"S'all good, I got it." He'd noticed her trying to stand but she relaxed back into the chair hearing him say that. He checked the peephole first before angrily unlocking the door and snatching it open, being sure to step out and close it behind him. It was Jelani.

"The fuck do you want?" The fury was rising within him the longer he stayed silent.

"Look, I jus' wanna speak to Nic."

"And you think I'mma jus' let you in after the shit you pulled yesterday? You fuckin' hit her! Your own sister!"

"I know!" He huffed and stepped back a tad before opening up again. "I know, I was wrong for it. But this is important. Please?" The manner in which he was pleading let Drake see that he did seem kind of remorseful but he was still angry.

"If she wants to speak to you then I'll let you in, but just know I'm not leavin' her alone with you." He inched backwards to the door and let himself back in. "Nic, it's your brother."

"He still there?"

"Yeah. He said he had somethin' important to say, you want me to let him in or-"

"No, let him in. See what he has to say." He folded his lips and pulled the door open, letting a sheepish looking Jelani slide past. He was cautious with his actions as he moved into Nicki's view. She was still holding Auburn to herself with a blanket now draped over her tiny body.


"Let me guess, you're really sorry. You didn't mean it and it won't happen again?" Her voice was calm but full of hatred all at the same time as Jelani's face dropped. "Y'know who else says that?"

"Nicki please, I am nothin' like him and you know it." She quickly looked up at his distraught face but decided to keep herself calm since she still had her baby in her arms. Not to mention the fact that her riling him up like that wouldn't help the situation.

"What did you wanna say Jelani?" She was no longer looking at him but at the blanket as if she could see through it. She was hurt that he actually hit her last night but had she not been talking the way she was he wouldn't have done it. Nevertheless he still shouldn't have lay a hand on her, or Drake for that matter. Noticing that he wasn't speaking she looked up again only to see him staring at Drake. "Just say what you wanted to say Jelani, he's not goin' anywhere." The sigh he breathed was one of frustration as he sat back on to the chair behind him.

"I just wanted to make clear to you that my offer still stands. I want you to come back to Arizona-"

"I already told you I'm not goin'."

"Just let me finish." He locked eyes with her before exhaling and continuing on. "But, after last night I can understand if you said no."


"I'm not happy 'bout all this though." He flicked his gaze between the two of them as he talked. "You and him. It ain't right, he's way too old for you." Realising that she wasn't paying him any attention he looked back to Drake. "It's wrong. You're a doctor, shouldn't you get fired for like, gettin' a teen pregnant?"

"Auburn isn't his baby." They both looked at her, Drake's focus remained solely on her as he moved to the couch and took a seat.

"Nicki, you don't have to tell him-"

"No, I want to. Well I don't want to but he needs to know." There was silence again before she spoke up quietly. "Could you tell him?" His concentration landed back on Jelani's large frame.

"Of course I can, if that's really what you want?"

"Thank you. I have to go switch which side she's feedin' on anyway so I'll just go." Jelani couldn't exactly hear what they were saying but figured it must have been important when Nicki went back upstairs, leaving him and Drake to talk.

"What's goin' on?"

"There somethin' Nicki thought you should know, but she wanted me to tell you." He took her spot on the couch and breathed out loudly.

"So, what is it?" His patience was running low but he desperately didn't want a repeat of last night, especially after how guilty, low and ashamed he felt afterwards.

"You know a guy called Tyrone?" Drake asked dryly as he watched Jelani's face wrinkle with thought.

"Yeah, he used to come by the house a lot way back. Why?"

"He's Auburn's Father." The look on his face was pure fury and only seemed to get worse as the story got on. He didn't particularly enjoy repeating everything Nicki had told him but it was what she wanted and it was for the best. Understandably Jelani had a million and one questions to ask and the want to speak to his sister about all of this. At first he was hesitant but he figured once this was all talked out then maybe he would leave them alone and go back to Arizona empty-handed.

"So he just got away with it? He's still out there?"

"Well yeah." Drake rubbed the back of his head. "The police weren't involved. If she'd been admitted to hospital one more time I would have had no choice but once she moved in here with me she was fine. Away from the violence, the stress and everythin's been good ever since. Until last night that is." He shot Jelani a cold look once he'd finished speaking. After a long, deep sigh and a moment of silence he finally opened his mouth.

"Look, I think I really owe you an apology. I'm sorry, sounds like you been lookin' out for her. I appreciate that." He gave Drake a nod.

"You don't hafta thank me, I really care about your sister and Auburn. I wouldn't let anythin' happen to them."

"I shoulda guessed that from the way you took a swing at me last night. It's pretty damn obvious how much you care. I'm just playin' the big brother role, y'know?" He shook his head regretfully. "I'm sorry. I was just hung up on the age difference and I'mma be honest, I'm still not happy with that but as long as she's safe then I guess I can't complain right?"

"She's fine here and she knows where you are if she ever wants to leave, I'mma not gon' stop her from seein' you."

"I know, I know." He nodded and for the first time let a small smile appear on his face. "Thanks."

"Woah, what is this? Some sort of parallel universe?" They both turned their heads hearing Nicki talk as she came down the stairs cautiously, Auburn was asleep in her arms.

"Nah, we just sortin' out our differences." She couldn't help but reveal a dimpled smile once she heard Drake say that. Just the fact that he was putting aside his anger to make amends with Jelani. All for her. Her brother's eyes remained on them as he watched carefully. There was no denying it. Even as much as he wanted to he couldn't say there was no affection there because there was. He apologised profusely to the pair of them before Drake felt comfortable enough to leave her alone with him. He understood they had things to discuss that didn't necessarily concern him.

"You want me to go feed her?" He held his hands out as he stood up after hours of sitting.

"Thank you, there's a couple bottles already made up in the fridge." Slowly shifting to the edge of the couch she handed Auburn over to Drake before resuming her position and continuing her conversation with Jelani. He had a plane to catch in four hours and then he'd be out of their hair. Making his way into the kitchen he looked down into his arms, she really was the perfect baby. He laughed lightly at how big her scratch mittens were on her tiny hands as he carefully got her bottle ready and headed back upstairs. He felt terrible that his Mom had been locked in her room all afternoon watching TV so he decided to take Auburn up to see her. With the baby balanced carefully in one arm he held the bottle with the other an knocked the lid on the door skilfully without dropping anything.

"It's open." Taking notice of her cue to go in he entered and headed straight for the wicker chair in the corner of the room. "How's everythin' goin' with them?" Sandi asked with concern as she put some warm socks on. She was layin blissfully against the headboard whilst she watched TV.

"Actually, really well. He said she can stay." He spoke between shifting Auburn in his arms and testing the temperature of her milk on his skin. It was perfect. Sandi knew he was smiling, which only made her smile gleefully too.

"Aubrey that's great, I'm really happy for you y'know? I'm not just sayin' it 'cause I'm your Mom and I have to!" She chuckled and sat herself up to get off of the bed and moved over to where he was sitting.
"She's adorable." Her voice was soft and gentle as she delicately ran her index finger over Auburn's little cheek. She was feeding a lot better after only a few days, which Drake knew to be a promising sign. That and she was accepting both the bottle and Nicki's breast, even though both were breast milk it made all the difference for Drake to be able to get up and feed her through the night if Nicki was too tired.

"Thanks." He smiled as they both continued to watch her.


The next two weeks were pretty rocky in terms of coping with Auburn but now that she had a regular routine being reinforced things were looking up a little more with each day. Both Nicki and Drake were super appreciative of Sandi's presence, she was helping out a great deal and truthfully Nicki was petrified for when she had to return back to Canada.

"Hey, I was talkin' to you." He chuckled when she looked up at him. "You good?" He frowned seeing her face troubled with thoughts.

"Yeah, I was just thinkin' 'bout how your Mom would be leavin' soon." She peered down and focused on her hands, he could tell she was scared about being left to care for Auburn without an experienced Mother at hand to help them out when they needed it.

"Nicki, you're a great Mom. Auburn's gonna be fine without her Nana here." He shuffled up to her some more on the couch as she relaxed into his side. She smiled slightly at the word Nana, which Sandi had adopted as her name.

"You're not just sayin' that?"

"No, I'm tellin' the truth. I never lie." He nodded matter of factly causing Nicki to look up at him with an unimpressed face. "What? I don't."

"Okay, says the guy who told me he was a twenty-seven year old named "Drake". You lie all the time Aubrey."

"I do not! Okay, so I lied back then but when have I ever lied recently? Hmm? Come on tell me." He sat back and smiled when she took a while to respond.

"Alright." Pulling away from his arms she turned to face him properly. "The other day, you told me that you'd never been a porn kinda guy, only I happened to find a few-"

"Alright!" He silenced her quickly as she began laughing. "Okay, so I lie about some things, but I'm not lyin' when I say I love you or that you're a great Mom."

"Mm, you better not be." She moved in and kissed him. "I was thinkin' we could take Auburn out today."

"Really? You feel up to it?" He resumed his hold on her as she lay into him again.

"As long as you're there, I'll feel okay."

"Well where d'you wanna take her?"

"Anywhere, we need more food. We could take her with us right?"

"Or I have a better idea."


"We could go furniture shopping, we haven't got anythin' for her room yet."

"Really? We can go today?" She moved away quickly and looked up at him. The excitement in her eyes made him smile.

"Sure, go get ready and we'll make a move." He laughed when she squealed and jumped up before kissing him multiple times whilst saying thank you.

She didn't take too long to get ready and returned after showering. Auburn was fast asleep in her arms, all dressed and covered up to keep warm.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, your Mom said she's gonna stay home." She watched his face to see what he was thinking. These last few days her arthritis had been giving her more grief than usual and he was worried about her.

"I thought she would." He folded his lips and cranked the heating up some more before grabbing his keys. "Aight, I'll see you in the car."

"Take your time." She knew he was going up to see his Mother and didn't want to rush him out for her needs.

After fastening Auburn in her seat and triple checking everything Nicki climbed into the passenger seat and waited patiently. She was only sat there for about three more minutes before she saw him closing the front door after he left the house.

"She okay?" There was silence for a second after her shut his car door.

"Yeah, she's fine. I gotta pick some stuff up for her whilst we're out." He turned the key in the ignition. "All buckled up?"

"Yup." Popping the "P" she looked over at him and smiled before they set off.


"How can you drive a car, yet you can't even steer a freakin' stroller?" She motioned for him to move and took over pushing Auburn as Drake laughed.

"I see how it is. I guess Onika's happy to walk home. Ain't that right Aubbie?" He peeked in at her as she just looked around randomly. He couldn't believe she was four weeks old already.

"All talk no action, thas what you are." She didn't alter her pace as they walked around looking at paint colours.

"Oh? We'll see about that."

"There you go again. All mouth."

"I'mma pick the most ugly colours if you don't start bein' nice to me." He held his hand on his chest as if he was hurt by her words.

"Are you even lookin'?" She halted and turned to look at him with one hand on her hip and the other on the stroller handle.

"Yeah, look." he grabbed a random tester and held it up innocently. "I was thinkin' maybe this for the window wall and-"

"Stop it." She snatched the card from him and put it back. "Seriously, I want you to show me which ones you like so we can pick together."

"Aight, anythin' I see that I like I should show you?" He carried on following her.

"Yes, unless it's an ugly colour then don't bother."

"I see somethin' I like." His smirk turned into the face of a young boy being told off when she stopped abruptly and he almost walked into the back of her. His eyes were too busy admiring the ass in front of him.

"I can't with you right now." She waved her hand in the air, motioning to the other shelves. "Please, go away and don't come back 'til you got some colours." She couldn't help but smile when he raised his hand to his brow and saluted her whilst stomping his foot.

"Yes ma'am."

"You're such a jerk."

Their search for paint colours went on longer than they had planned since Drake wanted to act silly but eventually they settled on a simple baby pink colour, which they both liked. It was now dark and their shopping had come to an end, most of the items they had managed to pack in the back but some things they had to order in. The car was silent with Nicki dropping to sleep as she looked out of her window and Auburn napping peacefully in her seat. He was counting down the seconds before Nicki opened her mouth about food.

"Yo, I'm starvin'. What are you cooking for me?"

"Oh? I'm cooking for you?" He kept moving his gaze between her and the road.

"You are now. But you don't mind, 'cause you love me." Her face was illuminated by her phone as she browsed through it.

"Damn, you know me too well." He saw her dimples appear but she never looked up at him. "I have a surprise for you though, so we don't need to cook."

"A surprise?" Her head instantly flew up as she stared at the side of his face.

"Mhm, and yes it is gonna stay a surprise. I'm not tellin' you, so don't even bother tryin' to get it outta me." He beamed proudly and pulled into his driveway as she huffed.

They decided to get Auburn inside so Nicki could go ahead and feed her whilst he unloaded all their purchases. For now they'd just have to stay put in the garage.

"I thought I heard you get back." Sandi spoke quietly as she wrapped her cardigan around herself securely.

"Yeah, we were gone longer than I planned. Sorry Ma." He leant forward and kissed her cheek after shutting the front door and removing his jacket.

"Where's Nicki?" She followed him through to the kitchen slowly.

"She's gone upstairs to feed Auburn. You're still okay to babysit tonight? 'Cause I could always change the reservations?"

"No, no, no. You've been planning this for ages, take her out, she deserves it. You both do." Her hand grasped at his arm as she rubbed it soothingly.

"You're a gem, thanks Mom."

"Don't mention it, besides I get to be selfish and have my grandbaby all night without any disturbances."

"Who's selfish?" Her voice came from behind Drake as she strolled in slowly with Auburn held to her chest, covered with her pink blanket as she fed her.

"Oh nobody, I was just sayin' I get to spend some quality time with this little one whilst you two aren't home tonight."

"We're not gonna be home?" Her eyes moved up to Drake's face curiously.

"No, so once you're done feedin' her, slip into somethin' a lil' more dine-worthy and I'll show you your surprise." Winking at her blushing face her kissed her forehead and pulled a chair out for her. "I'mma go take a shower." He smiled at his Mother before disappearing back upstairs.

"I'm really happy he found you y'know?" Taking a seat opposite Nicki she watched her look up sweetly.

"I'm happy he found me too."


*Okay, I'm sorry it drags on a bit. There is gonna be some actual storylines coming up...Hopefully! But for now, I'll be seein' ya! Also I'm updating an Onikafaree fic tmrw, probably HIA and WTWC they were most requested. Thanku for all the previous comments ^_^*

Auburn and Drake ^_^


  1. Aww! Carlee that post was so cute. I'm happy that nic and drake sorted things with jelani and she gets to stay w/drake! :D I hope sandi is okay though :/ that lil shopping trip was adorable and when she started talking about porn i freaking died! Aubrey is a lil liar xD loved this chapter please post again soon and on the other 2 dricki fics, I love them all
    c: xo

  2. Yay! So glad Nicki doesn't have to go to Arizona (or whatever)! The little shopping trip and that converstaion about Drake lying was cutely funny. Sandi is so cute, hope she gets better soon :) - TheOVOBarbie

  3. Yay! Im so glad Nicki is gonna stay! Lol at Drake being told that he has lied about a few things. Drake is so cute when it comes to taking care of Auburn. I hope Sandi gets better.

  4. Aaaaawww too cute im glad drake & lani worked out their differences & drake is mad cute with aubbie :') can't wait for the next update :D

  5. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. I loved this soon much. Please update picking up the pieces.

  6. Awww. This was super cute! I'm glad Lani knows the truth now & is ok with leaving Nic & Aubbie there. There shopping trip was soooo cute. Ugh. Sandi is still so sweet & supportive too. LOVE IT! :')

  7. Awwwwwwwww This Was So Cute , Please Post Soon : ) !

  8. Aww, Carlee you tricked me! I'm so glad Jelani let Nicki stay. Nicki and Drake with Auburn are like the sweetest little family. :)
